Mary's Little Lambs Early Learning CentreChildren between the ages of 2 months and 6 years are undergoing complex developmental changes as they grow.  Therefore, observations and age appropriate planning are tools to provide an educational and stimulating program, which will assist the children in the following areas:

SOCIAL:  Through everyday communication, role-play and socialising with peers and adults. 

COGNITIVE:  Through literacy, numeracy, problem solving and decision-making.

GROSS MOTOR:  Through climbing, crawling, learning to walk, cycling and dressing.

FINE MOTOR:  Through drawing, painting, pasting and cutting.

LANGUAGE:  Through discussions with children and adults, books, listening to CD’s and songs.

Every program is displayed in your child’s room and is evaluated weekly.  Our Staff keep individual records of the children’s development.  You are welcome to make an appointment to discuss your child’s progress.

Where special needs are identified, we will endeavour to meet the needs of the child and help them access any other necessary resources.

We strongly encourage parent participation in our program planning.  Please feel free to speak to a staff member about your ideas.  We have an open-door policy at our Centre.  Parents are invited to visit our Centre and experience the Programs.

Our Programs include: